Mice & Rat Pest Control

If you discover that you have a rodent infestation problem, you may be tempted to try and deal with it on your own. We would, however, strongly urge against this; both in a residential and commercial setting.

Due to the adaptive, highly survivable nature of the pest you are best served by calling in a professional, full-service pest control company. And when you want the best, only Epic Pest Control will do!

Epic Pest Control is the only pest control company that can provide you with a full-service, multistage, and ongoing maintenance program that can handle all rodent infestation situations.

  • Free Inspection & QuotationFree Inspection & Quotation
  • Pest ControlFull-Service Pest Control
  • DiscreetAlways Discreet
  • Unmarked VehiclesUnmarked Service Vehicles

Rodents Control Treatment Plan

Epic Pest Control can provide both residential and commercial customers with the following multistage treatment plan:

Step 1

Step 1: Inspection


This is the first and perhaps the most important step in the process. From the very first visit one of our highly trained service professionals makes to your location, you will know you are in good hands. We will first perform a perimeter inspection, searching the property for signs of incursion and possible entry locations, including dryer and air vents, utility entrance points and foundational weak spots. All possible entrances to the home will be thoroughly inspected and identified.

Step 2

Step 2: Exclusion Services

Exclusion Services

Once we have determined how the rodents are infiltrating your home, we will make sure that these routes are no longer available to them. This means that we will be plugging and filling holes that we find and employing a unique and specially designed Epic Pest Control deterrent and preventative methods on your premises. Once the rodents have had all access to the home/business cut off, they will no longer be able to move in and establish colonies.

Step 3

Step 3: In Home/Business Elimination

In Home/Business Elimination

Once we have secured your home or business from future rodent invasions, the professionals at Epic Pest Control will employ several methods to deal with the pests that are currently onsite. We employ several highly efficient methods to reach this goal, including Bait Stations and Traps. These techniques are highly effective and will deal with the current problem that you are facing.

Step 4

Step 4: Maintenance


Once we have completed the first three stages of our highly effective Epic Pest Control method it is time to turn our eyes toward maintenance. We are pleased to offer all our customers, both residential and commercial, a monthly service plan that will keep you on top of your pest control needs and help prevent future infestations. This maintenance plan, along with all other steps in the Epic Pest Control service plan is not only effective, but they are also safe for children and pets.

Discreet Pest Control

Residential, Commercial and Monthly Plans Available. Call One of Our Experts Today to Get Started.

    Effective Treatment

    We know that rodent infestations are unpleasant, unsettling and cause you to worry about the health of you and your loved ones, and that’s why Epic Pest Control is committed to providing you with a safe and effective treatment plan executed by seasoned professionals.

    We only use the best technology and methods and fully back up our work. If you need help with an infestation, make sure your first (and only!) call is to the professionals at Epic Pest Control.

    Additional Information About Rodents

    There are several different species of rodents that can become pests in residential and commercial buildings, the most common include the Deer Mice, White Mice, House Mice, Norway Rats and Roof Rats. These mice and rats come in a variety of sizes and colours, but all share in common the fact that they are a nuisance, reproduce quickly, carry disease and will destroy possessions and even the buildings that they inhabit.

    Diseases Spread By Mice & Rats

    Perhaps the most famous disease carried by rats is The Plague (which is still around in rodents today!), however, mice and rats bring along with them the potential for a whole host of illnesses including the Hantavirus, Rat-Bite Fever, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Colorado Tick Fever and Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, additionally, they can cause asthma and other breathing disorders.

    Some of these illnesses and diseases are spread directly through the rats, such as Rat Fever, while others are caused indirectly by insects that feed on both rodents and humans. Whether indirectly or directly, these pesky rodents pose a profoundly serious threat to the people living and or working in the locations where an infestation has occurred.

    Clever and Dexterous Pests

    Mice and rats are tenacious pests and have several characteristics and abilities that have allowed them to live and thrive as nuisances throughout human history.

    These rodents are omnivores are will eat pretty much anything. Meat, vegetables, processed food, rotting garbage, floorboards, caulking, and wires are just a small number of the things that these pesky vermin will feast on if given the chance.

    In addition to an adaptable diet, mice and rats are clever and dexterous. They will avoid items that have been handled by humans, they can jump over 2.5 metres, mice can squeeze into spaces as small as a dime and they are excellent swimmers. It is not uncommon to find them located in the plumbing on or near residential and commercial properties. With all these attributes and natural abilities, it unsurprising that rodents have been able to enter and infest the homes and businesses of people around the world.

    It is well known that rodents, including mice and rats, are prolific breeders and can establish colonies within a short span of time. It is therefore imperative that a rodent problem be dealt with as soon as it is discovered.

    Rodents, including mice and rats, can reproduce at an astronomical rate, mice, for example, can breed year-round with one female able to produce five to ten litters per year. With an average of six to eight babies per litter, a family of six mice can multiply into 60 over the course of three months.

    Mice are also nocturnal, which means it may be hard to detect in the early stages of an infestation. Frequently, a problem is only discovered after it has become serious and home/business owners are unable to deal with the situation on their own.