Cockroach Treatment and Extermination

If you discover that you have a cockroach infestation, you may be tempted to try and deal with it on your own. We would, however, strongly urge against this; both in a residential and commercial setting. Due to the adaptive, highly survivable nature of the pest you are best served by calling in a professional, full-service pest control company. And when you want the best, only Epic Pest Control will do!

Epic Pest Control is the only pest control company that can provide you with a full-service, multistage, and ongoing maintenance program that can handle all cockroach infestations.

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Cockroach Treatment Plan

Epic Pest Control can provide both residential and commercial customers with the following multistage treatment plan:

Step 1

Step 1: Inspection


This is the first and perhaps the most important step in the process. From the very first visit one of our highly trained service professionals makes to your location, you will know you are in good hands. The professionals at Epic Pest Control will inspect your home or business for signs of a cockroach infestation, which is most often located in dark, warm, and moist areas of the property.

Step 2

Step 2: Exclusion Services

Exclusion Services

Once we have determined where your cockroach infestation is, we will employ an exclusion technique that will help prevent any future nests from forming. This includes searching out and sealing any potential points of infestation including under sinks, around pipes, and cracks and crevices.

Step 3

Step 3: In Home/Business Eliminatio

In Home/Business Elimination

Once we have identified the location and severity of your cockroach problem, our highly trained technicians will get to work on eliminating the pests. Epic Pest Control uses a multi-faceted approach to cockroach extermination which includes applying baits and gels in and around sinks, toilets, fridges, dishwashers, stoves, trash cans, cabinets, and storages areas. Epic Pest Control will also use cockroach dust and apply a residual pesticide. The approach of combining techniques is the most effective treatment plan for cockroach infestations. In the case of an extremely bad infestation, we will treat voids in the property with an actisol machine or a ulv fogger.

Step 4

Step 4: Maintenance


Once we have completed the first stages of our highly effective Epic Pest Control method it is time to turn our eyes toward maintenance. We are pleased to offer all our customers, both residential and commercial, a monthly service plan that will keep you on top of your pest control needs and help prevent future infestations. This maintenance plan, along with all other steps in the Epic Pest Control service plan is not only effective, but they are also safe for children and pets.

Discreet Pest Control

Residential, Commercial and Monthly Plans Available. Call One of Our Experts Today to Get Started.

    Effective Treatment

    We know that cockroach infestations are unpleasant, unsettling and cause you to worry about the health of you and your loved ones, and that’s why Epic Pest Control is committed to providing you with a safe and effective treatment plan executed by seasoned professionals. We only use the best technology and methods and fully back up our work.

    If you need help with an infestation, make sure your first (and only!) call is to the professionals at Epic Pest Control.

    Additional Information About Cockroaches

    Of all the hazardous pests found in our homes and businesses, perhaps the most ubiquitous and resilient is the cockroach. There are over 3,500 species of cockroach found around the world, but in Canada, the one most found in both commercial and residential properties is the German Cockroach.

    The cockroach is not only a nuisance but brings along with it several potential health concerns. They are also notoriously hard to deal with without the assistance of professionally trained service experts.

    Impressively Adaptive Pest

    Ranging in size from 1.1 to 1.6 cm long, the German cockroach is an impressively adaptive pest, boasting a hard exoskeleton, alert antennae, and a set of wings (although they do not fly).

    A German Cockroach can live for up to a year and their life cycle moves from egg to nymph to adult. Females can reproduce once they hit maturity, which normally happens after 3-4 months. A single female can produce and store up to 45 eggs at once, some only need to mate once and then they can continue to produce eggs.

    Due to this prolific reproduction rate, it will not take long for a small infestation to spiral out of control, often before a home or business owner has even realized the extent of the problem.

    Cockroaches are survivors. Not only are they able to produce at an extremely fast rate, but they can also survive in almost any conditions.

    Known for their ability to survive on practically any food source, cockroaches can set up nests in virtually any location. They do, however, prefer warm and moist locations.

    You will most commonly find cockroaches living in kitchens and bathrooms, where food and water sources are readily available.

    Cockroaches are mostly nocturnal and are frequently able to avoid detection because of this. They come out in the dark to feed, breed and spread throughout your home or business.

    It is entirely possible for you to have a large infestation before you have even seen a sign of these tenacious pests. Often, the first sign you see is a single cockroach or faint signs of droppings and frequently this means it is too late to handle the problem on your own.

    Health Concerns Related to Cockroach Infestations

    In addition to their unsightly appearance and ability to rapidly produce, cockroaches are also concerning for a number of health-related reasons. It is estimated that cockroach feces, casts, saliva, and dead bodies trigger an asthmatic reaction in up to 60% of the population. Multiple studies have been conducted that have established a concrete link between cockroach droppings and asthma, this is particularly concerning for individuals exposed in their formative years.

    Asthma is, however, not the only health concern related to a cockroach infestation; difficulty breathing, itchiness, and hives are all also associated with the presence of cockroaches in your home or business. Perhaps the most unsettling of all the health concerns associated with cockroaches is the chance that they will enter human orifices while you are sleeping. This is uncommon but has been known to happen in particularly bad cockroach infestations.